Discuss the notion that all people can age successfully. Examine the role of p,sychouxial variables and their relationship to health and wellbeing.
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Get Help Now!Critical analysis of factors that influence health, well-being, and illness throughout the course of one’s life.
Examine theoretical perspectives about health, well-being, illness, social power and their application to ageing and adulthood.
A time constrained assessment of the use of research, theories, and approaches to well-being and development from adulthood to old ages.
All living things must experience aging.
As we age, many symptoms become more common in our lives, which can cause poor quality and debilitating conditions.
These symptoms are primarily caused by a breakdown of various physiological processes in the body and weakness to perform various activities.
People become dependent on others, which can lead to them becoming a burden to their family members who must care for them.
A lot of chronic illnesses make it more difficult. This can lead to poor quality lives, where the individual is unable to control his own mind and systems.
Hospitalization often worsens the situation, leading to loneliness, depression, and social exclusion.
Every living organism must plan their lives so that they have the least possible impact on their health when they are old (Conklin and al.
Good health will be assured by a well-managed lifestyle and a disciplined approach to life.
It is true that certain disorders can be caused by poor planning and unhealthy living habits. However, it is important to try your best to implement strategies that will make a difference in the future.
This essay will highlight the many psychosocial determinants in the life of an individual, how they impact their lives and what different actions can be taken to help them enjoy this phase of life rather than feel burdened.
Aging at the biological level is caused by the accumulation of different molecular damage and cellular damages over time.
This results in a decline in both physical and mental capacity, and a rising risk of developing certain diseases.
This causes death in a painful fashion.
The changes mentioned above are not consistent or linear and can be loosely correlated with an individual’s age in decades.
Many people in their 70s are in excellent health and still function well.
Some people enjoy reaching 70 years of age, while others experience frailty and need to receive significant amounts of care from their family and friends.
Research shows that, beyond biological changes, ageing is associated with life transitions like retirement, relocation to more suitable housing, as well as the deaths of family members and friends.
It is therefore important to think about the many approaches that may be available to help individuals recover, adapt and grow as they age.
Numerous experiments have shown that in addition to changes in genes, many factors such as the environment and the social context can also alter and affect the course and progression of health aging.
These can be homes, neighborhoods, or communities.
A person’s personal characteristics, such as gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, are thought to have an impact on the ageing process from a young age.
Tobacco smoking is a common habit among indigenous people. This is because their culture and tradition support smoking. As a result, these individuals are at greater risk of developing lung cancer or cardiovascular disease later in life.
Personal behaviors, in addition to keeping the environment clean, are key factors that influence health and help shape the course of one’s aging.
A balanced diet, physical activity, and a cessation of smoking are some of the health behaviors that influence the aging process.
All of these factors have positive effects on the risk of developing non-communicable illnesses and improve mental abilities.
Even though they may lose the ability to do certain activities, environments that are supportive can help them to continue doing important things.
A supportive environment is often defined as one that allows people to be safe and easily access public transport, as well as places where they can walk.
They are a great way to reduce stress levels and to maintain mental stability and peace.
World Health Organization provides information on different social factors that impact the health of people.
These include social gradient.
Research has shown that the people at the lower levels of the social ladder have shorter lives expectancies and more diseases.
Poor socio-economic and economic conditions have an impact on health all life.
People at the lowest levels of the ladder are more likely to die from serious illness or premature death than those at higher ranks (Berkman and Kawachi 2014).
Middle class office workers, not only those who are poor, but also those of higher rank suffer from more diseases and a faster death rate than the higher-ranking staff.
The quality and social gradient of a person’s life, as well as unemployment and quality work, are not the only factors.
Employees who work in organisations that don’t provide safety and health guidelines at work are more susceptible to various diseases that can be long-lasting and affect their quality of life.
People who consume lots of byproducts from the cement industry could be at risk for various cardio-pulmonary disease in their later years (Holt, Lunstad (2015)
In the older years, they might also have to deal with accidents that become too much for them to handle.
A lower level of income from work can also affect the quality and affordability of life.
Such people cannot age healthy and experience poor quality lives in later years.
Food and transport are two other social determinants that affect the quality of our lives.
Many times, the quality of the food consumed by an individual can alter his nutrient pools in ways that have either a positive impact or a negative effect on them.
Lack of balance in diet often leads to an increase or decrease in a certain nutrient, as well as a loss of another set of essential nutrients that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body’s physiological system (Bravemen and Gottlieb 2014.
The correct food choices and amounts are essential for maintaining the body’s nutritional requirements as well as weight.
A lack of nutrients can lead to many diseases that are not communicable. Increased weight can also cause obesity, strokes, heart disease, and other problems that could affect your ability to age gracefully.
A well-functioning transportation system allows easy access to all areas of healthcare, including schools, markets and offices.
Many times, rural areas are not connected to the main urban areas. This can cause problems when people become ill or need to buy urgent materials.
These barriers often make it difficult to live a healthy life.
Many people are unable or unwilling to travel and can’t access essential services. This results in poor quality life.
Additional social factors include social exclusion and support.
Because humans are social animals, they have a tendency to live in harmony. They establish relationships that help them to find mental peace and keep a positive perspective on life.
A variety of factors such as chronic conditions, racial and cultural discrimination, and other stigmatization can lead to social exclusion.
This can often have many negative effects on the mental health of individuals, which can then disrupt the smooth flow and quality of human life.
Social support is the exact opposite.
Social support often helps to improve the mental and physical well-being of an individual through encouragement, emotional support, participation in societal discussions, and community-based programs. (Frederikson and al.
Society also has a major role to play in the development of an individual’s life and the impact it has on their life.
A person’s addiction can also have a significant impact on the aging process.
An individual may become addicted to alcohol or another substance, which can cause a mental disorder called substance abuse disorder. This will have an impact on their health and lifestyle.
The impact of his personal, professional and physical life on his health is so severe that he cannot recover. This can continue into adulthood and cause depression and emotional stress.
The health of an older person is affected by factors such as loss of job, financial hardship, family violence, poverty, and other factors.
These social factors, which can interfere with healthy aging of individuals, can have different effects on the quality of life and the way that they affect one’s life (Caccioppo 2014).
Stress has a huge impact on healthy ageing. It can cause a lot of mental disorders, as well as poor quality lives due to serious chronic conditions.
The main effect of stress hormones on the flow and quality of blood to the heart is myocardial injury (Allen et. al.
Stress can be caused by long-term issues such as financial problems, daily troubles, traumatic events, financial difficulties, and physical inability. Different disorders, including mental, emotional, or cognitive, can cause stress.
These causes a distortion of the world view and can also lead to a decrease in concentration as well as memory loss (Kuiper and al.
The immune system is also less efficient when there is stress.
This in turn is thought to increase susceptibility to the illness by decreasing the white blood cell count, which normally fights the disease-causing bacteria (Avlund und al., 2014).
Depression is another psychological issue that can interfere with healthy aging and hinder the ability to lead a high quality life.
A variety of factors can lead to depression including social exclusion and lack of exercise, as well excessive drinking due to dispersed families and poor financial stability (Tablsoki 2013.
Many people believe that depression can slow down the process of healthy aging.
Depression can lead to various heart diseases. It can also complicate heart attack recovery.
This is because depression causes changes in the heart and other circulatory function, which can slow down the disease process (Birren.
Insomnia can also have negative effects on your health and cause premature aging.
Many times, insomnia is caused by anxiety, depression and stress.
This can severely affect the body’s functions and prevent different healing processes.
According to Townsend (2014), researchers have found a correlation between poor sleep and cellular dysfunction in the immune system.
People with insomnia have difficulty managing various ailments, such as rheumatoidarthritis and HIV infection.
Research has shown that proper sleep is essential for good health.
A person should evaluate his or her current situation and devise strategies that will allow him to follow a healthy aging process so that he/she does not live in hopelessness and pain.
He should include exercise in his busy life.
The benefits of physical exercise include improving cardiovascular and respiratory function as well slowing down the loss in muscular strength.
It improves bone mass, helps digestion, and improves bowel function.
It helps with sleep and depression prevention.
A second strategy that an individual can use in their daily lives is the proper intake of nutrition.
Good nutrition includes proper diet, adequate water intake, and correct nutritional increments.
A diet high in vegetables and fruits, along with 2 to 4 low fat dairy products daily is the best way to ensure your body stays healthy and free from diseases (Wezus and al.
For a healthy and uninterrupted aging process, you will need a multivitamin to replenish the nutrients lost.
A lifestyle change that an individual could make is to stop smoking or reduce its use.
This will lower your chances of getting heart disease, strokes, emphysema and cancer, as well some other types.
Healthy living can also be aided by the fourth intervention: avoiding excessive alcohol consumption.
A reduction in liver disease and certain types of cancer can be achieved by limiting alcohol consumption to one glass of wine, spirits or vodka per day.
A person should be more conscious of their drinking habits as they age.
People should be mindful of their own stress and anxiety and do their best to reduce it. This in turn will increase the immune system’s strength and decrease the susceptibility to developing disorders (Sarafino & Smith, 2014).
Two other positive strategies are to cultivate satisfying relationships. Social interaction and support have been shown to reduce stress, promote cognitive functioning, and prevent depression.
Healthy mention functioning is promoted by challenging the mind with new learning skills and regular mental activities.
The World Health Organization provided some strategies for social promotion of healthy aging. They included raising awareness about healthy aging, aligning health system with the needs of older people, developing long term care systems, creating an environment that is age friendly, as well as improving measurement, monitoring, and understanding (Shanahan, et al.
The entire discussion reveals that many factors, both psychological and social, play an important role in the development of individuals as they age.
Social gradients, work and unemployment, food, transport, and other social supports all play a crucial role in the aging process. They can have positive or detrimental effects on individuals.
Insomnia, stress, depression and anxiety all play significant roles.
To avoid negative consequences, individuals must take appropriate lifestyle interventions and evidence-based measures.
The state, society and community should all implement effective strategies.
This will create a nation that is happy with its senior citizens.
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