Sample Nursing Other (SOAP NOTE) Assignment on Acute Otitis Media

Acute Otitis Media
Student Name
Miami Regional University
MSN6150C Advanced Pediatric
Spring/ 2021
Clinical instructor: Miriam T Alvarez, MSN-APRN-FNP
SOAP Note # 1 Acute Otitis Media 2
Demographic Information:
Encounter Date:
Patient initials: A.L.
Age: 12 y/o
Race: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Insurance: PPO
Information Source: Given by the patient’s mother
Chief complaint: “My child has Left ear pain for 2 days”
History of present illness (HPI): A.L is a 12-year-old Hispanic male healthy patient, who
came to the office today, complaining of left ear pain (rated 5-10) for two days as per her mother
referred with the previous history of the patient started with an Upper Respiratory infection
(URI) symptoms such as nasal secretion and nasal congestion seven days ago after the nasal
discharge was yellow, little appetite and nausea in the child began to complain of earache that
has been alleviated with drops of warm oil and today starts with a high fever that was treated
with Tylenol, her mother notices the sleepy and malaise child, denies vomiting, dizziness or
other symptoms
Allergies: NKA.
Medication History: Tylenol 500 mg for pain or fever
Family History:
Mother Alive: 36 y/o / Healthy
Father Alive: 45 y/o/ Healthy
SOAP Note # 1 Acute Otitis Media 3
1Sister Alive 16 Healthy
Negative Hx for Cancer, Dead for CV event, Genetical disease
Past medical History (PMH): Negative for Chronic Disease. Unremarkable. Delivered at 39.2
W2D. Spontaneous vaginal delivery was uneventful. Normal birth weight, Apgar score 8/9. DC
two days after delivery
Immunization status: Up to date on all vaccines. : DTAP (5 doses); Hib (4 doses) IPV (4
doses); MMR (2dose); VAR (2 doses); HBV (3 doses); PCV (4 doses); RV (3 doses); HAV (2
doses); Influenza vaccine received on 12/19/2019
Developmental stage: Normal development according to his age.
Hospitalization: No previous hospitalization.
History of mental illness/personality disorders: None.
Physical trauma/falls: No reported during the last twelve months.
Surgeries: No previous history
Exercise: No engage in any regular exercise’s regimen/ only school sport activities (Hold now
due to COVID 19 pandemic)
Diet: Regular and well balanced.
Social History: Patient lives with his married parents in an apartment. Normal familiar dynamic,
he has a healthy sister 16 y/o. He is a middle school student with good/normal development and
social interaction Denied smoke, alcohol intake and use or recreational drugs., No second-hand
smoking exposure. Denies being sexually active
Last annual physical exam: 12/19/2019 (Normal)
Systemic: Patient complaint fever about 102.2. He denied change in appetite; tired, weakness or
sleep disorder.
SOAP Note # 1 Acute Otitis Media 4
HEENT. Head: Patient complaint left ear pain 5/ 10, No history of trauma, no complaining of
headache. No sinus pain or any other facial pain is stated.
Neck: Denies pain or stiffness. No swollen glands in the neck. Eyes: Denies blurring vision,
double vision, redness or eye discharge. Oto-laryngeal: Complains left ear pain , yellow nose
discharge and congestion , denies nasal bleeding. Denies bleeding gums. No hoarseness. last
dental exam was 6 months ago, no cavities
Cardiovascular: Denies chest pain, palpitation or edema on the lower extremities.
Respiratory: Denies shortness of breath, cough or wheeze. No complaints of chest congestion.
Gastrointestinal: Denied appetite problems. Denied abdominal pain, no food intolerances, no
nausea or vomiting, no constipation. Last bowel movement: 07/20/2020
Genitourinary: Denies changes in urinary habits, normal urinary frequency. Denies history of
kidney stones, flank pain, cloudy urine or bad smell, denies being sexually active.
Musculoskeletal: Denied joint pain or stiffness.
Neurological: Denied drowsiness, or focal weakness, no syncope, no seizures, no visual or
speech disturbances, no impaired mobility, no memory deficit.
Mental: No anxiety, no depression, no memory problems, denied trouble concentrating.
Integumentary: Denies pruritus, bruises or rash.
Physical Exam
Vitals Signs: Temp (Axillary): 102.2
0F. BP-sitting L: 108/66 mmHg (BP cuff size: Regular).
Pulse Rate-Sitting: 92 bpm. (Regular rhythm). RR: 18 per min. Height 4”6”, Weight: 85lbs.
BMI: 20.5 Kg/m2
(normal) 50 percentile. Oxygen Saturation: 99 %. Pain Scale/Rate: 5/10.
SOAP Note # 1 Acute Otitis Media 5
General appearance: Patient normal percentile according height and weight, properly dressed,
speech clear and appropriate, cooperative to the interview, alert, oriented in place, person, time.
Discomfort due to the pain is reflected in his face and posture. Well hydrated, well nourished
Skin: Skin normal turgor, no bruises, and no changes in moles. No visible or palpable lesions or
rashes, no cyanosis.
Lymph nodes: Left periauricular adenitis, no palpable cervical, supraclavicular, axillary or
inguinal nodes.
Head: Normocephalic, normal face symmetry. Scalp with no lesions, no tenderness. Hair
distribution according to her age. Temporomandibular joint full ROM without clicks o pain
bilaterally. No frontal or maxillary sinus tenderness.
Face: Symmetric facial expression, no deformities, tenderness to palpation over maxillary
sinuses, no periorbital edema, no changes in color pigmentation, no involuntary movements.
Eyes: EOMs intact. Brows and lashes normal configuration, no edema, White sclera, no lesions;
Ears: Right ear with normal appearance, no erythema, tympanic membrane pearly grey,
translucent with no bulging, no discharge. Left tympanic membrane erythematous and bulging
with diminished bony landmarks. No purulent drainage observed. Painful to palpation of
mastoid bone. Nose: Bilateral nares patent pink coloration without rhinorrhea; no edema of the
turbinate found. Septum midline
Mouth: pink, moist mucous membranes. No missing or decayed teeth. Throat: Pink normal
oropharynx erythematous, without tonsillar edema or exudate; uvula midline.
SOAP Note # 1 Acute Otitis Media 6
Neck: Flexible; denied pain. Thyroid not visible or palpable. No carotid bruits and no jugular
vein distention.
Chest/Lungs: Chest wall symmetrical, no use of accessory muscles note, breath sounds are
clear, no wheezing, rhonchi, or crackle, no prolonged expiration noted in the upper/lower lung
fields. No nipple discharges or abnormal lump noted, no axillary lymphadenopathies.
Cardiovascular: S1 and S2 regular rate and rhythm with no splitting. Carotid with no bruits. No
JVD. No thrills. No rubs. Peripheral pulses present in all extremities. Capillary refill less than 3
seconds. No edema.
Abdomen: Skin without lesions, or rashes. Abdomen flat and symmetric with no lumps or
bulges. Bowel sounds presents in the 4 quadrants. Percussion reveals tympany over all
quadrants. No tenderness no guarding in any quadrant with palpation. No palpable masses or
Genitals/Urinary: Penis circumcised without lesions, urethral meatus normal location without
discharge, testis and epididymis with normal size without masses, scrotum without lesions.
Tanner Stage 2.
Musculoskeletal: Normal passive and active ROM in upper and lower extremities. No focal
deficit, no joint inflammation or deformities noted.
Neurologic: Patient alert and oriented in person, time and place, cranial nerves II-XII intact. No
focal motor or sensory deficits. Coordination, sensation, and reflexes are intact.
Acute Otitis Media, Left Ear (H65.02): is diagnosed in patients with acute onset, presence of middle ear
effusion, physical evidence of middle ear inflammation, and symptoms such as pain, irritability, or fever.
Acute Otitis media is usually a complication of Eustachian tube dysfunction that occurs during a viral
upper respiratory tract infection. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella
SOAP Note # 1 Acute Otitis Media 7
catarrhalis are the most common organisms isolated from middle ear fluid. (Domino, Baldor, Golding &
Stephens, 2017) .According to (Burns, 2017) It is essential accurately diagnose Otitis media to reduce
overtreatment and antibiotic resistance, and There are different types AOM, Suppurative effusion of the
middle ear, other is Bullous myringitis AOM in which bullae form between the inner and middle layers
of the TM and bulge outward, persistent when AOM that has not resolved when antibiotic therapy has
been completed or AOM recurs within days of treatment and recurrent when Three separate bouts of
AOM within a 6-month period or four within a 12-month period; often a positive family history of Otitis
media and other ENT disease, to support this diagnosis Left tympanic membrane Erythematous and
bulging with diminished light reflex is showed in the ear exam
Differential diagnosis
Diffuse Otitis Externa (OE), commonly called swimmer’s ear, is a diffuse inflammation of the
external auditory canal (EAC) and can involve the auricle, or both. Inflammation is evidenced as
simple infection with edema, discharge, and erythema; furuncles or small abscesses that form in
hair follicles; or impetigo or infection of the superficial layers of the epidermis. OE results when
the protective barriers in the EAC are damaged by mechanical or chemical mechanisms. OE.The
most common causative organisms are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus
(Buttaro, Trybulski, Polgar-Bailey & Sandberg-Cook, 2017). This diagnosis was ruled out based
on no complaints of itching and symptoms of the disease.
Other differential diagnosis to take into consideration: The assessment conducted also rules out
mastoiditis, cholesteatoma, otitis externa and otitis media with effusion.
Mastoiditis: It is an inflammatory of the mastoid in the temporal bone. The mastoid is a
structure contiguous to the middle ear cleft and an extension of it. The clinical presentation is
characterized by symptoms involving the middle ear such as fever, local pain, and conductive
hearing loss. Typically, patients with this illness presented with fever, irritability, lethargy,
SOAP Note # 1 Acute Otitis Media 8
swelling of the ear lobe, Redness and tenderness behind the ear, Drainage from the ear, Bulging
and drooping of the ear (Burns et al, 2017). This is also not the case were presented, so it is
Miryngitis: These patients may have no symptoms attributable to the middle ear.On otoscopy
there is erythema and injection of the tympanic membrane in the neutral position without other
features of otitis media.
No labs /Diagnostic test ordered
Pharmacological treatment:
Amoxicillin 500 mg 1 tab PO every 12 hours for 10 days (dosage (90mg/kg/day)
Acetaminophen 325 mg 1 cap PO every 4-6 hours PRN for fever or pain (dosage 10-15 mg/kg
orally/rectally every 4-6 hours when required, maximum 75 mg/kg/day)
Non-pharmacological measures:
Patient’s mother has been educated on increasing the fluids and to uses less clothing. Popsicles
and iced drinks are helpful to recover the body fluids that are lost during fevers because of
sweating. Sponging is a method that can be used to reduce the fever along with the
Acetaminophen prescribed. Patient’s caregivers were recommended to not sponge the child
without giving Acetaminophen first.
-Avoid Q tip use.
-Proper Nutrition/rest
-Proper use of antibiotics is important and misunderstanding of technique can lead to treatment
failure. For this reason, placement of drops should be taught in the office. Xylitol, probiotics,
SOAP Note # 1 Acute Otitis Media 9
herbal ear drops, and homeopathic interventions may be beneficial in reducing pain duration,
antibiotic use, and bacterial resistance.
-Even though an ear infection is not transmissible, the causative biological agents (bacteria or
virus) are often passed from person to person. It’s very important to take into account the
following measures: vaccination against Pneumococcal injection your child with a pneumococcal
conjugate vaccine to protect against several types of pneumococcal bacteria. This type of
bacteria is the most common cause of ear infections.
-Practice routine hand washing and avoid sharing food and drinks, especially if your child is
exposed to large groups of kids in day care or school settings.
-Avoid second-hand smoke. Recommendation against cigarette smoke exposure is one of the
most important measure to practice preventing Otitis media.
Referral/Follow up: No referral needed at this moment. Monitoring 48 hours after therapy if
experiencing worsening symptoms, if current treatment is not successful to treat the condition, or
new symptoms/side effects develop.
SOAP Note # 1 Acute Otitis Media 10
Burns, C., Dunn, A., Brady, M., Starr, N., Blosser, C., and Garzon, D. L. (2017). Pediatric
Primary Care (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Buttaro, T., Trybulski, J., Polgar-Bailey, P., & Sandberg-Cook, J. (2017). Primary Care: Collaborative
Practice, (4th ed.) Elsevier ISBN: 978-0-323-35501-8 or eBook on Intel Education Study13-978-1
Domino, F., Baldor, R., Golding, J., Stephens, M. (2017). The 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2017 (25th ed.).
Lieberthal AS, Carroll AE, Chonmaitree T, et al. The diagnosis and management of acute otitis media.
Pediatrics. 2013 Mar;131(3):e964-99. [Erratum in Pediatrics. 2014 Feb;133(2):346
Mankowski NL, Raggio BS. Otoscope Exam. [Updated 2019 Dec 30]. In: StatPearls [Internet].
Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-. Available from:
Uhari M, Mantysaari K, Niemela M. A meta-analytic review of the risk factors for acute otitis
media. Clin Infect Dis. 1996 Jun;22(6):1079-83

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